​​One Government Netw​ork​

One Government Network (OGN) is a dedicated and secure wide-area-network infrastructure to establish and connect agencies in accessing integrated e-services as well as internet from a central gateway. It is based on an end-to-end secured and carrier-grade Metro Ethernet Network using Layer-3-IP-VPN network.

 What we offer:

  • Collaborative Environment
    A common network will be developed and managed to improve existing communication and relevant tools will be put in place to make it eeasier for the Government agencies to work together more effectively.

  • e-Government Infrastructure
    The ICT facilities and resources will be standardised across the Government to ensure efficient and cost-effective use of Government ICT resources.

Business Partner Link (BPL): 

This allows Government Link Company (GLC) to integrate with OGN to support integration with government ministry or government department agencies.

National education network: 

The national education network links with the OGN to provide a secure, fast and reliable connectivity to all education related ICT projects and services, inclusive of Internet Connection.

Who can apply:

  • Government Agencies

  • Schools

  • Government Link Companies (GLCs).


For any enquiries:

Telephone     : 2424955 ext 303

Email             : helpdesk@egnc.gov.bn